Perl is a well-liked web-oriented computer programming language, that's designed to make CGI scripts and a variety of apps. It is very handy because you do not have to produce the same code again and again so that you can get some process executed a couple of times, but you'll be able to apply modules. These are pre-defined subroutines or groups of functions which can be called and executed within a script. This means that, you can include only a reference to a certain module within your program code rather than using the whole module code time and time again. This way, your script will be shorter, therefore it'll be executed a lot faster, not mentioning that it'll be easier to maintain and / or modify. If you wish to take advantage of some third-party ready-made Perl script rather than creating your own, it'll most likely need certain modules to be pre-installed on the web hosting server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Web Hosting

When you obtain one of the Linux web hosting packages that we supply, you'll have access to a rich library of over 3400 Perl modules that are already set up on our cloud server platform. When you log in to your Hepsia Control Panel, you're able to go to the Server Information area where you can see the full list. Some of them are more popular than others, but we have such a large number as we are aware that when you employ an app from a third-party website, it may have specific requirements as to what modules should be set up on the server or it might not work properly. XML::Parser, URI, LWP and DBD::mysql are some of the modules that you will be able to access and use on your sites.