Controlling your electronic communication easily is quiteimportant, so in case you make a a business or a personal website and you want to exchange e-mail messages with business partners or acquaintances, you should ensure that you've got quick and simple access to all options that an e-mail service has to include. Just a few examples are: auto-responders, email forwarding and e-mail lists, since these attributes are very handy for your e-mail communication. You can save considerable time and efforts, particularly if you do not have a lot of experience but you'd nevertheless like to use e-mails with your own private domain name instead of a generic third-party email service. Privately owned emails will appear a lot more convenient and reputable in case you get in touch with prospective customers.

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The e-mail service, that is part of our web hosting packages, is managed via a feature-rich Email Manager tool where you will be able to access practically everything you need with regard to your email accounts. The tool is a part of our custom Hepsia Control Panel and we've created it with the objective to offer as many options as possible through an intuitive interface. You are able to see all the mailboxes that you've made in alphabetical order and with a glance you will be able to see if they're forwarded, whether they're catch-up or whether they have active anti-spam protection. Setting up any of these features takes just a few mouse-clicks. By right-clicking on any mailbox, you'll be able to access context menus with more advanced features like SPF protection. Your Email Manager also allows you to access the webmail or download auto-configuration files for popular mail applications like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail.